"I want to make sure that for anyone reading this review they understand that ElementFree is incredible. Carnivale restaurant is a staple in the Chicago cuisine and dining scene and we have had amazing success here in the Fulton Market area for over 13 years. We have always been at the forefront with Going Green and being sustainable. Whether it be our food, supplies, roof top garden and urban beehives, our owners have always been passionate about sustainability. ElementFree was on of the best decisions we have made. The quality and service of ElementFree has been consistently great. The difference it has made with water service and the quality of our coffee, ice and water for cooking is truly remarkable. It is so awesome to share our water filtration program with our guests. There is also such an amazing sense of pride from our team with the assurance that Carnivale is being environmentally responsible. Carter Briggs and ElementFree, thank you for your program and partnering with us to provide the best water in town to our team and guests."